7Goldsworthy UL Dining 2017FEB11 001  TV room wall is now insulated. : February, 2017, Interior, Fitzy's Poverty Palaces, Dining Room, 7 Goldsworthy Street, Townsville, QLD, Australia, Dinng Room  7Goldsworthy UL Dining 2017FEB11 002  Walls are now square and plumb. : February, 2017, Interior, Fitzy's Poverty Palaces, Dining Room, 7 Goldsworthy Street, Townsville, QLD, Australia, Dinng Room  7Goldsworthy UL Dining 2017FEB11 003  The kitchen wall is now square and plumb with addition of a jack stud in the doorway. : February, 2017, Interior, Fitzy's Poverty Palaces, Dining Room, 7 Goldsworthy Street, Townsville, QLD, Australia, Dinng Room